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What is the ARDI Service? 


The ARDI service provides persistent and web resolvable identification of rights and rights declarations.  

It’s for individual authors and creators, publishers and content producers, directly or through service providers, and it’s suitable for all content types. 
















How does it work? 


It’s easier than counting up to 3: 

1. you create the rights declaration for your content 

2. you sent it to the ARDI service 


…and we will take care of everything else: 

  • we assign a unique persistent identifier to your rights declaration. ARDI is

  • we make your rights declaration web resolvable 

  • we create a web page for your rights declaration  

  • we keep track of any other rights declaration on your content 

  • we make you part of the magic



See how ARDI helps you ask to use content online


Simply click on the eCopyright symbol        or on the book cover to find out more about the content. Or use the Chrome browser plug-in, highlight the ISBN and right click to see how the plug-in works.













​​Are you a creator, an author, a publisher, a content producer? 

With the ARDI service, you can file rights declarations and persistently associate them with your content. 

You can do it yourself or through one of our partner service providers. 


Interested? Please do get in touch with us here 


Are you a service provider?  

The ARDI service can be easily integrated into other services, such as self-publishing platforms, copyright registration agencies, ISBN agencies, DOI registration agencies, content management platforms. 


Interested in enriching the offer to your clients with the ARDI service? Please do get in touch with us here 


Our partner service providers: 



The Italian ISBN Agency 

at the point of requesting the ISBN, publishers and authors can also file a rights declaration for their content. See here.  


mEDRA DOI Registration Agency 

add a rights declaration and have it linked to your DOI through multiple and rights-aware resolution, metadata and content negotiation (coming up) 


My first book


ISBN 9791220032896
published by Anna Mazzucchi
(self-published author)


© 2017 - ARDITO

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This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 731760 

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